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PHP is a server-side scripting language that allows Web pages to be built dynamically. Without server-side scripting, Web browsers, which run on the client computer, can only display static pages obtained from the server. The information to make the pages dynamic can not be stored on the client computer. Server-side scripting, however, runs on the server where databases can be stored and accessed in order to make Web pages more dynamic and tailored to individual clients. Because PHP runs on the server, the client does not need any special plug-ins.

One of the big advantages of PHP is it's simplicity. It is easy to learn, especially for programmers that know C++ or JavaScript or HTML. It is not platform specific so it can run on most version of Windows, MAC and Unix. PHP does not use a lot of resources so it usually runs fast. Other advantages include security, connective abilities and server interfaces. It is available with many Web hosts. The biggest advantage is probably that it is open source and there is an extensive community ready to share what they know.

Home Page  Site Layout  Control Structures  String functions  Web Forms
Midterm Assessment  State Information  User Templates  Final Project