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Site Layout

The pages of a Web site typically have the same layout. They are usually divided into sections such as header, footer and navigation which are the same for every page and dynamic content that is different for each page. Each page is statically built by the browser. A Web page template can be made by using include files to display the data that is common to every page. For example, the banner picture in the header or an email address in the footer can be put in an include file that is used by every page. If the banner needs to change or the email address changes, only the include file needs to be changed once and all pages using that include file will reflect the change without having to be changed themselves.

Dynamic content can be displayed using a URL token so that it can change while the content and layout of the static sections stays the same. This is done using text hyperlinks and buttons. With text hyperlinks, the values that specify which dynamic content to show is appended to the filename using a question mark with name/value pairs separated by ampersands(&) and the name and value in each pair separated by an equals sign(=). This allows one page to display different content depending on the hyperlink chosen and what is appended to that hyperlink.

The following is an example: href="index.php?page=home_page" will display different content than href="index.php?page=other_page"

Home Page  Site Layout  Control Structures  String functions  Web Forms
Midterm Assessment  State Information  User Templates  Final Project